You can use the endpoint to do status enquiry for a transaction:

HTTP MethodPostNote
URL (UAT)<>The transaction request support requests with data in JSON format.
URL (Production)<>The transaction request support requests with data in JSON format.

Request Parameters


*Abbreviations: NU - Numeric, CH – Character, AN – Alphanumeric

Field NameDescriptionRequiredTypeMinMaxExample
PAY_IDPay ID is a unique merchant identifier provided by Pay10YESNU1616160234578452178
ORDER_IDMerchant reference numberYESAN150PAY10_823647263
HASHUnique value generated by SHA 256 hashing algorithmYESAN64647995156CE4C40C44C41BECA3B9CE09B9
AMOUNTTotal Sale AmountYESNU312100
CURRENCY_CODE3-digit code of the currencyYESNU33356
TXNTYPEType of TransactionYESAN210STATUS

This is an example string of a payment request before it is hashed:



This is the expected result of the hash value:


Hash value = A08FD314FDDF5B14A304EC978600AAEF03C92ACE86FD06982C61B5056FC07DFC

The purpose of the SHA256 signature field is to ensure the integrity of the data posted back to your server. You should always compare the SHA256 signature field's value posted by PAY10 with the one you calculated.

Final Request String:


{"PAY_ID": "1121611118085043","ORDER_ID": "ORDER500204", "AMOUNT": "1500","TXNTYPE":"STATUS", "CURRENCY_CODE":"784","HASH":" A08FD314FDDF5B14A304EC978600AAEF03C92ACE86FD06982C61B5056FC07DFC"}

Response Parameters

After posting a created request a response is received in a plain text.

The below Table shows the response parameters sent to merchant.

Field NameDescriptionExample
Merchant Details
PAY_IDPay ID given by Pay10160234578452178
ACQ_IDBank reference numberKJDNI4UT873
PG_REF_NUMId generated by Pay10. Use for further communication with Pay10 for tracking the full order150611417421129
RRNBank reference number789456132
TXN_IDTransaction Id generated by Pay10 to identify the current step150611417421130
AUTH_CODEAuthorization code123456
ORDER_IDMerchant reference numberESN78452
ORIG_TXN_IDReference number4809120328094623
HASHUnique value generated by SHA 256 hashing algorithm7995156CE4C40C44C41BECA3
Customer Details
CUST_PHONECustomer phone09999999999
CUST_EMAILCustomer Email[email protected]
Transaction Details
AMOUNTTotal Sale Amount100
CURRENCY_CODE3-digit code of the currency826
MOP_TYPEMethod of paymentVI/MC/PPWL/1005/UP
PAYMENT_TYPEType of payment mode used by customerCARD/PT
PG_TXN_MESSAGEDetailed message for transactionSUCCESS
RESPONSE_CODECode for transaction status000
RESPONSE_DATE_TIMEResponse date and time2022-03-28 13:01:48
RESPONSE_MESSAGEResponse message for transaction statusSUCCESS
SURCHARGE_FLAGSurcharge is enabled or notY
STATUSTransaction statusApproved/Captured/Declined/Failed
TOTAL_AMOUNTTotal amount debited to customer in case of surcharge model10134
TXNTYPEType of transaction processedSALE/AUTH
PRODUCT_DESCDescription of productxyz