You can use the endpoint to do status enquiry for a transaction:
HTTP Method | Post | Note |
URL (UAT) | <> | The transaction request support requests with data in JSON format. |
URL (Production) | <> | The transaction request support requests with data in JSON format. |
Request Parameters
*Abbreviations: NU - Numeric, CH – Character, AN – Alphanumeric
Field Name | Description | Required | Type | Min | Max | Example |
PAY_ID | Pay ID is a unique merchant identifier provided by Pay10 | YES | NU | 16 | 16 | 160234578452178 |
ORDER_ID | Merchant reference number | YES | AN | 1 | 50 | PAY10_823647263 |
HASH | Unique value generated by SHA 256 hashing algorithm | YES | AN | 64 | 64 | 7995156CE4C40C44C41BECA3B9CE09B9 |
AMOUNT | Total Sale Amount | YES | NU | 3 | 12 | 100 |
CURRENCY_CODE | 3-digit code of the currency | YES | NU | 3 | 3 | 356 |
TXNTYPE | Type of Transaction | YES | AN | 2 | 10 | STATUS |
This is an example string of a payment request before it is hashed:
This is the expected result of the hash value:
Hash value = A08FD314FDDF5B14A304EC978600AAEF03C92ACE86FD06982C61B5056FC07DFC
The purpose of the SHA256 signature field is to ensure the integrity of the data posted back to your server. You should always compare the SHA256 signature field's value posted by PAY10 with the one you calculated.
Final Request String:
{"PAY_ID": "1121611118085043","ORDER_ID": "ORDER500204", "AMOUNT": "1500","TXNTYPE":"STATUS", "CURRENCY_CODE":"784","HASH":" A08FD314FDDF5B14A304EC978600AAEF03C92ACE86FD06982C61B5056FC07DFC"}
Response Parameters
After posting a created request a response is received in a plain text.
The below Table shows the response parameters sent to merchant.
Field Name | Description | Example |
Merchant Details | ||
PAY_ID | Pay ID given by Pay10 | 160234578452178 |
ACQ_ID | Bank reference number | KJDNI4UT873 |
PG_REF_NUM | Id generated by Pay10. Use for further communication with Pay10 for tracking the full order | 150611417421129 |
RRN | Bank reference number | 789456132 |
TXN_ID | Transaction Id generated by Pay10 to identify the current step | 150611417421130 |
AUTH_CODE | Authorization code | 123456 |
ORDER_ID | Merchant reference number | ESN78452 |
IS_STATUS_FINAL | Final status | Y |
ORIG_TXN_ID | Reference number | 4809120328094623 |
HASH | Unique value generated by SHA 256 hashing algorithm | 7995156CE4C40C44C41BECA3 |
Customer Details | ||
CUST_PHONE | Customer phone | 09999999999 |
CUST_EMAIL | Customer Email | [email protected] |
Transaction Details | ||
AMOUNT | Total Sale Amount | 100 |
CURRENCY_CODE | 3-digit code of the currency | 826 |
MOP_TYPE | Method of payment | VI/MC/PPWL/1005/UP |
PAYMENT_TYPE | Type of payment mode used by customer | CARD/PT |
PG_TXN_MESSAGE | Detailed message for transaction | SUCCESS |
RESPONSE_CODE | Code for transaction status | 000 |
RESPONSE_DATE_TIME | Response date and time | 2022-03-28 13:01:48 |
RESPONSE_MESSAGE | Response message for transaction status | SUCCESS |
SURCHARGE_FLAG | Surcharge is enabled or not | Y |
STATUS | Transaction status | Approved/Captured/Declined/Failed |
TOTAL_AMOUNT | Total amount debited to customer in case of surcharge model | 10134 |
TXNTYPE | Type of transaction processed | SALE/AUTH |
PRODUCT_DESC | Description of product | xyz |