
This document outlines the requirements and implementation plan for enabling network token (NT) and AltId passthrough functionality with Pay10’s acquirers. The passthrough allows merchants to send network token and Alt id numbers, expiration details, and cryptograms to Pay10, which then transmits the data to the respective card processors/acquirers.


  • Enable merchants to configure and use network token passthrough with Pay10
  • Enable merchants to configure and use alt id passthrough with Pay10
  • Map and transmit the necessary fields from Pay10 to acquirers
  • Record transactions with appropriate flags for reporting and tracking

Merchant Configuration at Pay10

No special configuration is required for activating this flow. The indicator card_txn_type in the API would be sufficient

API Endpoint

Merchant hosted API will be used by merchant for this flow

Fields Mapping

Pay10 to Acquirer Field Mapping
The following table outlines the mapping of the additional fields we have to send to acquirers in case of network token card transactions:

Pay10 Field



Yes field

SBI field

Hdfc field




  • ALT
  • NT
  • C
    If the field is not passed in request, we consider that as card based transaction

YES supports both Alt id and Network token passthrough

Alt id schemes supported: V/M

NT schemes supported: V/M/R

SBI supports Alt id passthrough

Alt id schemes supported: V/M

HDFC supports both Alt id and Network token passthrough

Alt id schemes supported: V/M

NT schemes supported: V/M/R



pass alt id number if CARD_TXN_TYPE = ALT

pass network token number if CARD_TXN_TYPE = NT

for alt id


for network token


for alt id


We need to send indicator in UDF2 field of existing HDFC card integration.

for alt id

GT indicator| Cryptogram or TAVV value|Last 4 digit of Original card number|Card scheme Indicator | Card Type Indicator|Token Requestor ID


GT| Cryptogram|Last 4 digit of original card number|M/V|D/C/P|TRID

GT – Mandatory (indicator): Static value – Double Aplhabet Value with Captital letter

Cryptogram/TAVV – Mandatory: Dynamic - Alphanumeric value with certain special characters as /=+

Last 4 digit of Original Cardnumber – Optional : Dynamic - Only numeric value no special characters

Card scheme (M/V) – Mandatory (M- Master, V- Visa): Dynamic - Single digit alphabet with Captial letter no special character

Card type indicator (D/C/P) – Optional field (D- Debit, C- Credit, P- Prepaid): Dynamic - Single digit alphabet with Captial letter no special character

TRID – optional: Numeric value

for network token

T| Cryptogram or TAVV value |Last 4 digit of original card number|M/V/R|D/C/P|TRID

T - Mandatory Cryptogram/Tavv – Mandatory

Last 4 digit of Original cn – Optional

Card scheme (M/V/R) – Mandatory

Card type indicator (D/C/P) – Optional field

TRID – optional. However, TRID is required for Visa transaction in case if same is available with merchant they can pass

altid number or network token number



pass alt id exp date if CARD_TXN_TYPE = ALT

pass network token exp date if CARD_TXN_TYPE = NT

for alt id AlternateExpiry

for network token


for alt id & NT both


refer above row

Expiration date of alt id or network token


Mandatory for both networkToken and altId based transactions

base64 cryptogram value

for network token


for alt id

for alt id & NT both


  • altIdFlag = Y (only for alt id)

refer above row

Cryptogram for transaction security


Mandatory for altId based transaction

pass alt id cvv

for alt id


for alt id


refer above row

applicable only for alt id passthrough



pass existing values for visa, master, rupay, amex



constant value: CARD for all 3 types of transactions


CARD_NUMBER - although the length of both network token and alt id number is 16 digits but since there is no such clear mandate from schemes, let’s remove the validation of digits and numeric if the CARD_TXN_TYPE = networkToken or altId

CARD_EXP_DT - follow existing validations from card based transactions

Refund and Settlement

There shouldn’t be any changes in the refund and settlement flow with SBI however, please include them in testing.

Transaction and Reporting

Transaction Logging
Log the last 4 digits of network token number and alt id number in the logs, just as we do for card based transactions

Transaction Reporting
Above mentioned 2 fields should be added as an optional column in the Capture report or Total transaction report so that merchants can easily bifurcate the txns and do analysis.

Column name:

Card txn type

Also, the column should be displayed in below “Search Payments” section for merchants and in the “customize columns” option


  • Merchants will handle the integration and validation of network tokens and alt id before sending them to Pay10
  • Merchants would do merchant hosted API integration with Pay10
  • Acquirers support network token and alt id transactions

Release Criteria

  1. Successful field additions to merchant facing integration API - this should not impact any existsing integrations
  2. Successful Integration with acquirer APIs
  3. UI implementations for trasnsaction viewing and reporting
  4. UI implementation on merchant config section for internal users